Algérie: Joint programme for gender equality and the empowerment of women in Algeria
The aim of the joint programme was to support Algeria's efforts for gender equality and the empowerment of women, with a particular focus on improving access to employment for women.
The joint programme consisted of three inter-related strategic interventions:
- It supported the establishment of a suitable environment for fair decision-making, strengthening the capacity to gather sex-disaggregated data and studies as well as integrating gender into sectoral programmes.
- The programme improved women’s access to employment by supporting already existing job-creation mechanisms and by developing pilot projects.
- Public information on gender issues and women’s socio-economic rights was promoted through partnerships with the media and Civil Society organisations.
Main achievements were:
- Training sessions on database management were conducted to strengthen the capacity of national institutions to produce gender-sensitive information.
- A gender audit and a feasibility study of Gender Responsive Budgeting were conducted and finalized.
- A variety of initiatives were launched to support vulnerable rural women, including vocational training, access to microcredit and the creation of community centers for literacy and other educational activities. In the municipalities of Djelfa and Tamanrasset, HIV-infected women were provided with targeted support, training and microcredit facilities to help them engage in income-generating activities.
- Training of trainers were held to support the creation and management of micro-enterprises and the development of women's entrepreneurship.
- To sensitize the media to women's rights and gender equality, members of national and local media were included in all programme activities, and journalists from the national radio were trained on gender equality.
- 90 NGO executives working on women’s human rights were trained across the country to strengthen their capacity to network, advocate for women’s rights and improve the image of women in society.
- The data quality and expertise on women’s status and the capacities to mainstream gender issues in public policies were strengthened thanks to the first National Survey of Time Use conducted in the spring of 2012, with 9000 households interviewed.
Click here for more detailed results from the Joint Programme in Algeria (in French).
Dates du programme 26 février 2010 - 30 juin 2013
Montant financé $2,043,522
Partnenaires nationaux Ministères Délégué à la Famille et à la Condition Féminine