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Manuel de formationsur la réduction de la violence et la résolution de conflits en milieu scolaire - Cadre théorique

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Analyzing the advertisement of food groups and submitting the study's results and conclusions

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Inclusive Development Social Survey in Jablanicki and Pcinjski Districts

This survey was conducted during October and November 2010 to analyse the situation in the field of migration, youth and inter-ethnic relations and to provide data for the evaluation of the Peacebuilding and Inclusive Social Development ... full view »


Return and Development- Increasing the developmental impact of return migration in South Serbia UN Joint

For several years, Serbia has been faced with considerable flows of return migration. Even though empirical evidence from other countries indicates that returnees can have a positive impact on their home countries’ development, return ... full view »


Urban Safety Strategy Formulation Guidelines

This document provides a framework from which to develop appropriate guidelines for an urban safety strategy. It also helps identify important factors necessary for the success of any program, such as how to choose appropriate stakeholders and ... full view »


Diagnóstico de la eficacia del sistema de normatiov y administrativo penitenciarios palicado para menosres de edad infractroes; así como de los programas de rehabilitación y reinserción social disponibles.

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Revisión, optimización de las politicas y procedimientos en la fase de ejecución de sanción en el régimen de responsaibilidad penal de adolescentes

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Estudio sobre los desplazados por el conflicto armado en Chiapas

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Conjuguer les genres pour lutter ensemble contre les violences faites aux femmes

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Manuel de formation sur la réduction de la violence et la résolution de conflits en milieu scolaire

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