


Capital Beijing
Población 1.3 billion
Esperanza de vida 73.47
Acceso al agua potable 88%
Alfabetización de adultos 90.9%
Mortalidad de menores de 5 años 20.25 per 1,000 live births
PIB per cápita $6,000


The China Climate Change Partnership Framework
Since 1978, China has lifted 600 million people out of poverty and has made good all-round progress towards achieving the MDGs. But one of the greatest challenges to its continued economic development is tackling climate change and reducing the impacts that rapid growth is having on China's natural environment. The Joint Programme supported China in implementing its new National Climate Change Strategy and improved local capacities for financing and technology. It also worked to ensure that vulnerable communities – including the world’s biggest rural population – can adapt to climate impacts. 
The China Culture and Development Partnership Framework
China has the world’s biggest ethnic minority population, and this population is disproportionately poor, including 56% of all Chinese people living in extreme poverty. China owes much of its cultural wealth to the unique diversity of its minority groups, yet these minorities risk becoming increasingly vulnerable without the capacity and opportunities to access the benefits of China’s overall development. The Joint Programme supported China in designing and implementing policies that promote the rights of its 106 million ethnic minority citizens in the five provinces in which they are concentrated: Tibet, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Yunnan and Guizhou. 
Protecting and Promoting the Rights of China's Vulnerable Migrants
China’s migrant workforce of 150 million represents the largest movement of people in modern history. But maximising the benefits of internal migration while mitigating its adverse effects is a difficult balancing act. Most migrants leave rural communities at a young age with few skills and can only obtain work that is, at best, manual and menial – and at worst, severely exploitative. This Joint Programme piloted strategies to reach young people most at risk from social exclusion and labour exploitation.
Improving nutrition and food safety for China's most vulnerable women and children
China’s impressive progress on reducing hunger has relied mainly on increasing incomes and food production. But massive disparities exist across geographical areas: in 2003-2005, 120 million Chinese from poor areas were undernourished. The prevalence of stunting and low weight for children under 5 in rural areas was 3 to 4 times higher than in urban areas during the period 1990-2010. The Joint Programme focused on an at-risk population of approximately 1.8 million children and women of child-bearing age by piloting a comprehensive approach to food security, child and maternal nutrition in six of China's poorest counties.