Les défis de l'emploi pour les jeunes du Soudan
“Youth’s Financial Inclusion Policy Reform Study; Case Study of Youth in Post and Ongoing Conflict ; Blue Nile, North and South Kordofan Areas.” This serious and important study was written by Yassir Ahmed Hassan Jamie and published by the UNDP but is a result of a cooperation between the UNDP, the MDG Achievement Fund, and the MFU-CBOS( Bank of Sudan Microfinance Unit).
This study is part of ‘Creating Opportunities for Youth Employment’ Joint Programme that aims to develop skills and provide livelihood opportunities to the youth (aged 15 to 30 years). The study covers three states of Sudan which are Blue Nile, North Kordofan and South Kordofan. UNDP, with an active participation of the Central Bank of the Sudan, has worked out advisory recommendations for microfinance policy, programmes and institutional capacity in effective means of self employment.
The main objective of this study is to review the opportunities and challenges that face the demand side of the targeted young people, especially women and vulnerable groups in microfinance. It also seeks to review policies, programmes and experiences of service providers to identify successes and failures and lessons learned. The aim is to come up with conclusions and recommendations for improving ways of supporting this segment by reactivating the policies of the Central Bank of Sudan and other partners.
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Cliquez ici pour lire ce que fait le F-OMD au Soudan.