


Capitale Manila
Population 84.6 million
Espérance de vie 71.3
L'accès à l'eau potable 93%
L'alphabétisation des adultes 93.3%
Mortalité des moins de 5 ans 33 per 1,000 live births
PIB par habitant $5,137

    Évaluation du F-ODM, étude de cas

  • La présente évaluation vise à l’acquisition de connaissances, avec pour objectif : 1) d’évaluer, au niveau national, la contribution du F-OMD à la réalisation des OMD, des principes de la Déclaration de Paris et de l’initiative réformatrice de l’ONU « Tous unis dans l’action » 2) de recenser les meilleures pratiques et les leçons apprises afin d’éclairer toute future programmation pour le développement 3) de relier les interventions programmatiques locales aux processus nationaux d’élaboration des politiques en mettant en évidence les initiatives pilotes qui ont donné de bons résultats et peuvent être reproduites à plus grande échelle.

    Philippines_Country Final Evaluation.pdf (1.21 MB)
  • Fiche d'information du pays

  • This Fact Sheet summarizes the key achievements of the Joint Programmes in the Philippines.

    Philippines Joint Programmes Fact Sheet.pdf (192 KB)

Nos Programmes conjoints

Alternatives to migration: Decent Jobs for Filipino youth
Despite high economic growth, the Philippines, with a fast growing population, is not able to provide sufficient jobs to reduce poverty. Some 1.46 million young people were unemployed in 2010, half of them with secondary school educations and 40 % with college degrees. In the search for decent work, many young Filipinos move from rural to urban areas, with some opting to go overseas. The Joint Programme worked on two fronts: increasing access to decent jobs for young men and women in the country’s poorest areas, and improving policies on youth employment and migration by encouraging the participation of all stakeholders in the process. 
Ensuring Food Security and Nutrition for Children 0-24 Months Old in the Philippines
A 2008 national survey revealed that one in five Filipino children under the age of 5 was underweight and almost a third were stunted. The recent energy, food and financial crises have added to the challenge set by the government of reducing the prevalence of underweight to 17.25% by 2015. The Joint Programme supported these efforts, concentrating on improving exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in children 0-24 months.
Enhancing Access to and Provision of Water Services with the Active Participation of the Poor
Some 16 million Filipinos do not have access to safe drinking water. This Joint Programme improved delivery of water to 122,000 households by encouraging investment in services for poor communities, increasing local capacities to develop, operate and manage water supply utilities and supporting communications campaigns advocating for "water for all."
Strengthening the Philippines’ Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change
The Philippines are particularly vulnerable to climate change, which is threatening to hamper attainment of the MDGs. This Joint Programme's goal was to improve the country's capacity to plan and implement projects to mitigate the impact of climate change, with a focus on the most disaster-prone eastern seaboard.