Committing to the Future of Bangladesh: Joint Programme to Address Violence Against Women. Key Achievements and Lessons Learned during the intervention period, 2010-2013.

Thematic window
Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
Sub thematic area
Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
Good Practices and Lessons Learned
Target Audience
Development PractitionersNational and State officialsUN agencies
joint programming
The MDG-F Joint Programme to address Violence against Women was a comprehensive batch of interventions contributing to the prevention of violence and addressing the treatment and rehabilitation needs of survivors. It was designed to channel all outputs through existing government structures using clear and consistent procedures, with a strong monitoring mechanisms to ensure quality control.
This document is filled with lessons learned and recommends that certain actions be scaled up, enhanced and replicated in future programmes. It provides criteria that should be met for future interventions addressing Violence against Women and cites examples, case studies, challenges faced and offers steps forward for each issue encountered.