Second Joint Programmes Synthesis Report. Review of Achievements, Lessons Learned and the Contribution Towards the MDG Targets

Thematic window
Democratic Economic Governance
Sub thematic area
Water and Sanitation
Good Practices and Lessons Learned
Target Audience
Development PractitionersPolicy makers
This report, by the Democratic Economic Governance Knowledge Management programme, provides a
synthesis overview of achievements, lessons learned and the contribution towards the MDG targets of the joint
programmes of MDG-F’s thematic window entitled Democratic and Economic Governance. It presents an overview of the successes and lessons learned, and a discussion of the joint contribution of these programmes
towards the MDG target on water and sanitation.
The MDG-F's water and sanitation programmes have worked with regulatory reforms and capacity development for improved services at both national and local levels, and strived to direct investments towards disadvantaged regions. Citizen awareness, participation, gender equality and the inclusion of marginalised populations, are important concerns that have been emphasised by the programmes.