Brazil: Inter-agency Programme for the Promotion of Gender and Ethnic-Racial Equality
Brazil's strong economic growth conceals large internal disparities and inequalities, particularly with regard to women and ethnic minorities. This Joint Programme's aim was to reduce gender and racial inequity by supporting the government's work in the design, implementation and monitoring of national policies to promote equality for women and minorities.
The programme was based on the following objectives:
- Ensure gender and race equity through a double-entry approach into the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies reinforcing the citizenship of women, particularly black and indigenous women.
- Promote women's equal access to potentially available goods and services.
- Encourage social mobilization and participation as crucial factors for achieving equitable human development.
Main achievements included:
- Support was provided for the establishment of a monitoring methodology for the Planes Nacionales de Políticas para las Mujeres (PNPM, National Plan of Policies for Women) and the Promoción de la Igualdad Racial (PLANAPIR, National Plan for the Promotion of Racial Equality).
- Case studies were produced for the National School of Public Administration from the perspectives of gender, race, and ethnicity.
- Advocacy and decentralization activities were implemented through an intersectoral approach.
- Support was provided to civil society in: its participation in strategic events such as the “More Women in Power" Campaign and to the Federación nacional de trabajadoras domésticas (FENATRAD, Brazilian Federation of Domestic Workers); its institutional strengthening; and its participation in the 100th Annual Conference of the International Labour Organization. Six projects were carried out promoting the participation of women in decision-making forums.
- Journalists were given awareness training on the topics of gender, race, and ethnicity.
Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programmes in Brazil (in Spanish).
The Joint Programme in action
Programme Dates 17 Feb 2009 - 14 Sep 2012
Net funded amount $3,991,304
National partners Special Secretariat of Policies for Women - PMS (presidency), Special Secretariat for Policies to Promote Race Equality - SEPPIR (presidency)