


Capital Niamey
Population 15.3 million
Life Expectancy 52.6
Access to clean water 42%
Adult literacy 28.7%
Under five mortality 11.66 per 1,000 live births
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $700

Our Joint Programmes

Childhood, food security and nutrition programme
Although Niger has made progress in reducing infant mortality, food and nutrition insecurity remain big challenges. One in ten of Niger's children are acutely malnourished; in some areas, 20% of youngsters aged 6 to 23 months suffer from severe acute malnutrition. This Joint Programme took a multi-sectorial approach to preventing and treating malnutrition, increasing basic social services and improving the food security of the most vulnerable populations.


Niger’s schoolchildren learn reading, writing, weeding and watering

When school opened in the southern Niger village of Falki Babba, there was a novelty for the students: working in the school’s new vegetable garden. It’s part of an MDG-F-funded programme to tackle some of the highest chronic malnutrition rates in Africa.
