
Case Study on Strengthening Women’s Leadership. Panama Joint Programme
This case studies a Joint Programme (JP) that was aimed at reducing gaps in safe water and sanitation public services by empowering citizens in excluded rural and indigenous areas in the Bisira and Kankintu communities in Panama. It also ...
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Availability of Web-based knowlege materials on water and sanitation
This study is part of the Knowledge Management Programme for the programmatic area of Democratic Economic Governance, the purpose of which is to document, discuss, disseminate and replicate the innovations and experiences collected in ...
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Online sharing of Water and Sanitation Knowledge
Sharing good practices, lessons learned and useful experiences from water and sanitation development project programs and initiatives are important to enhance efficient project development and implementation of water and sanitation projects. ...
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Concepts and Challenges of Human Rights Based Local WatSan Governance
The lack of access to sufficient, acceptable, and affordable water and sanitation is deeply rooted in poverty, weak governance, power imbalance, and discrimination that directly impacts the lives of persons living in poverty and denies them a ...
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Operationalizing the Rights Based Local WatSan Governance Framework
One of the key targets of the MDGF 1919 project is the development of capacities at the local level that will enable enhanced access to and provision of water services. While Volume I of the Handbook is aimed at providing the basic concepts ...
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Programa Conjunto para Fortalecer la Gestión Efectiva y Democrática del Agua y Saneamiento en México para el Logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. Documento de Caja de Herramientas
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Sistematización de Experiencias Exitosas a Nivel Nacional y Local. Programa Conjunto Fortaleciendo capacidades con el Pueblo Mam para la gobernabilidad económica en agua y saneamiento.
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Gobernabilidad del Agua. Memoria técnica sobre los procesos y resultados obtenidos en los productos de impacto del eje temático “Gobernabilidad del Agua”.
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