Strengthening the Philippines Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change. Health Sector Book I
In the Philippines, improving maternal health has been identified as the most likely MDG not to be achieved by the target date as the decrease of maternal deaths has been decreasing too slowly to meet targets. Due to poor health, child health ...
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Strengthening the Philippines Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change. Health Sector Book IV
This manual is a supplement to the Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response System (PIDSR) Manual of Operations in order to provide guidance to health sector practitioners in making health decisions that take into account the ...
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Estudio de la vulnerabilidad actual y futura ante el cambio climático y evaluación de la capacidad local para la implemenntación de medidas de adaptación y mitigación en las cuencas de los ríos Tabasará y Chucunaque
Cambio Climático y Determinantes Sociales de la Salud Una Fotografía de la Situación de Salud, Agua y Ambiente en Comunidades Aledañas a las Cuencas Hidrográficas de los Ríos Chucunaque y Tabasará