


Capital Tunis
Population 10.3 million
Life Expectancy 75.78
Access to clean water 94%
Adult literacy 74.3%
Under five mortality 22.57 per 1,000 live births
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $7,900

Our Joint Programmes

Engaging Tunisian Youth to Achieve the MDGs
The turmoil that shook Tunisia during the Arab Spring was directly related to the lack of jobs for young Tunisians, especially in marginalized areas of the North West, West and South. A third of young people are jobless, an urgent challenge for the new government as it works toward the Millennium Development Goal target of full and productive employment for all. This Joint Programme supported efforts to develop capacities in migration-prone areas by creating decent jobs and promoting local competencies.


MDG-F supports Tunisian youth at record-breaking artisan fair

Beneficiaries of youth employment programme showcase their crafts at event featuring 700 participants and 130,000 visitors.



Building youth’s futures in Tunisia

The MDG-F is helping Najet Salem accomplish her dreams: reviving the ancient carpet-weaving tradition and empowering the women artisans of her hometown of Gafsa.


Jobs for Tunisian youth: "We must have a vocation and take risks"

In a country where one in three young people is unemployed, Marouane Ben Othman used a little push from the MDG-Fund to start his own business and put eight other people to work.
