Peru: Integrated and adaptive management of environmental resources and climatic risks in High Andean micro-watersheds


This Joint Programme's aim was to develop and reinforce the abilities of Peru's local and regional governments, communal authorities and the general population to improve management of environmental resources and the provision of services in High Andean rural areas. It took a participatory, informed and decentralized perspective that incorporated environmental and climate change issues into public policy decisions at the local and regional government levels.

The initiative contributed to the current process of decentralizing public management and strengthening the opportunities for civil society cooperation, participation and oversight in rural areas. In particular, it focused on communities characterized by extreme poverty, weakened social capital, environmental degradation and vulnerability to extreme climatic events.

Initiatives included: information provision, awareness enhancement, research, training, coordination and advocacy activities.

A key factor in achieving results was the comprehensive strategy implemented in a coordinated manner in the region based on a highly decentralized management model.
Main achievements included:
  • Local, communal and municipal governments incorporated into their local agendas environmental issues as well as provisions to develop climate change adaptation skills. 
  • Formulation of a comprehensive intervention model to generate adaptive practices for peasant families facing the effects of climate change.
  • Participatory preparation of the main instruments for adaptation to climate change (rapid diagnosis, community plans, environmental management plans and project closure plans).
  • Development of a variety of studies on climate vulnerability, production, health, water resources, deforestation and reforestation, land use, socio-environmental conflicts and tourism, among others, which contributed to the formulation of policies and instruments for environmental management.


Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programmes in Peru (in Spanish).


The Joint Programme in action


Programme Dates 01 Oct 2008 - 31 May 2012
Net funded amount $3,898,559
Participating UN agencies FAO, PAHO / WHO, UNDP, UNEP
National partners Ministerio del Ambiente, Gobierno Regional del Cusco, Gobierno Regional de Apurimac, Municipalidades provinciales y distritales
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