Brazil: MDGs beyond averages: Promoting Food Security and Nutrition for Indigenous Children in Brazil


Four out of ten Brazilian Indians live in extreme poverty, and more than half of indigenous children are anemic. The Joint Programme's goal was to support the government in its efforts to improve the food security and nutritional status of indigenous children in the regions of Dourados and Alto Rio Solimões.

The programme focused on two objectives:

  1. Promoting access to public programmes and services, with the aim of reducing cases of malnutrition and the infant mortality rate; and
  2. Promoting the sustainability of production and access to food by strengthening local productive systems that rely on and respect the food and economic culture of the target communities.

The initiatives focused on children; however, emphasis was also placed on women, since child malnutrition can only be addressed effectively if the mother-child unit is taken into account. All initiatives relied on full participation from the communities and public agents. Crosscutting actions were undertaken to empower indigenous communities, leaders and organizations and to strengthen public capacities.

Some of the achievements of the Programme were:

  • Activities with the potential to become pilot programmes were carried out to support breastfeeding and supplementary feeding.
  • Knowledge was shared among indigenous and non-indigenous peoples regarding health rights and culture.
  • The nutrition surveillance system was strengthened.


Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programmes in Brazil (in Spanish).



The Joint Programme in action


Programme Dates 14 Dec 2009 - 30 Jun 2013
Net funded amount $6,000,000
Participating UN agencies FAO, ILO, PAHO/WHO, UNDP, UNICEF
National partners Agencia Brasileña de Cooperación (ABC), Fundación nacional del Indio (FUNAI), Ministerio de Salud (MS), Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Lucha contra el Hambre (MDS)
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