Final report on “Identify and screen adaptation measures to reduce climate change impacts on food productivity”

This study was conducted in the context of the UN/FAO activities for helping developing countries make progress towards the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These goals include reduction of poverty rates (MDG1), achieving adults literacy rates (MDG2), infant mortality rate (MDG4), access to water and to sanitation (MDG7). However, these achievements are undermined by the crippling water scarcity and aggravated by climate change, thus bringing about additional threats to health, food security, productivity and human security.
The purpose of this study is to identify and screen adaptation measures to reduce climate change impacts on food productivity in Jordan. It begins with a review and evaluation of suitable measures that are applicable to Jordan, creates a baseline scenario and an adaptation scenario, and recommends appropriate measures based on lessons learned from previous interventions and the goals laid out in the adaptation scenario.