Joint Programmes for Food and Nutrition Security

This review focuses on nutrition-sensitive agricultural activities among the MDG-F joint programmes. This paper aima to 1) provide policymakers and practitioners with an overview of how the joint programmes (JPs) integrated agricultural and nutrition-specific interventions, 2) determine the extent to which the JP designs incorporated the principles embodied in the ‘Synthesis of Guiding Principles on Agriculture Programming for Nutrition’, 3) discuss the challenges and lessons learned, 4) make recommendations for the design of future joint programmes that integrate food security and nutrition in order to better synergize agriculture and nutrition activities.
This joint programme approach to food security and nutrition seems to offer great potential to promote agriculture and nutrition synergies. The MDG-F experience, on a large scale and in varied settings, offers policymakers and programme implementers a foundation from which to design future joint programmes that better link agriculture and nutrition.