Sharing Water, Sharing Benefits: Working Towards Effective Transboundary Water Resources Management
There were 276 transboundary water basins in the world at last count, covering around 45 percent of the globe’s surface. Competition often arises between stakeholders over limited water
resources and many institutions lack the capacity to overcome conflicting approaches. As communities face escalating threats to water scarcity, water managers, politicians, and engineers must work together to ensure that water is managed in an integrated manner.
Many solutions to water problems lie in better governance, with sharing water as one of the key challenges to be addressed. Although there is a growing literature in the field of water conflict resolution, many water professionals still lack the necessary tools to resolve water conflicts. UNESCO has thus partnered with the World Bank in the publication of this workbook, developed through training courses and seminars funded by the International Waters Window of the World Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership Program (BNWPP), with the goal of making the information available to a wider audience across the globe.
The publication is meant for use by mediators, instructors, and facilitators in collaborative learning exercises. The material focuses on the skills necessary for managing water disputes at all levels, from the interpersonal to the international. It is organized into two parts. Part 1 is a Participant Workbook and Part 2 is an Instructor/Facilitator Manual