MDG-F shares experiences as UN General Assembly convenes

As world leaders meeting at the UN General Assembly this week recommit to the Millennium Development Goals, the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F) presides over a parallel event to discuss the impact of its 130 programmes in 50 countries, which have benefitted nine million people across the globe.
Coinciding with the Special Event on MDGs, which takes place in New York today, the MDG-F presents results, findings and lessons learned from its seven-year effort to advance progress towards the global anti-poverty and development targets.
The event, taking place in the ECOSOC Chamber at 5:30 pm, will be moderated by UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova and attended by UNDP Administrator and UN Development Group Chair Helen Clark, President of Spain Mariano Rajoy and Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar.
The MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F, www.mdgfund.org), established in 2006 through an agreement between the government of Spain and the UN system, is one of the largest, most comprehensive and collaborative development mechanisms devised to support MDG attainment.
Through its work in eight different thematic areas, ranging from women’s empowerment to reducing malnutrition, improving access to safe water, combating climate change and increasing youth employment, the MDG-F has gathered valuable and unique knowledge on how countries can advance in development goals through joint efforts that engage different UN agencies, governmental institutions, civil society entities and citizens themselves.
Among its results are:
· 1.67 million children and 800,000 mothers have better nutrition.
· 540,000 citizens have new access to safe, affordable drinking water.
· 630,000 women and girls can access violence prevention and protection services.
· 190,000 youth received job training, and 14.3 million young people and 1.8 million migrants are benefitting from new youth employment laws.
· New and renovated cultural infrastructures are serving 2.3 million citizens, increasing social inclusion and helping to reduce poverty.
· 1.4 million citizens are participating in natural resource management initiatives.
· 400,000 youth are actively building peace and preventing conflicts.
The MDG-F’s approach is anchored in the principles of national ownership, the coordination of efforts by UN agencies and a multidimensional perspective in its development programmes.
As world leaders formally begin the process of designing a set of future targets to succeed the MDGs after they expire in 2015, the MDG-F is in a unique position to inform the evolving post-2015 development agenda.
For additional information, please contact:
event2013 [at] mdgfund [dot] org or marta [dot] pico [at] maec [dot] es.
Click for event details and programme.
The event can be followed via Livestreaming at webtv.un.org and www.mdgfund.org.
The hashtag #changinglives will be used to follow the event through Twitter.
The MDG-F is proud to present a new interactive photo exhibit “Changing Lives”, a selection of our best photographs illustrating how the MDG-F's work has impacted real people’s lives across the world.