Youth, Employment and Migration
Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
There are more young people in the world today than ever before, 1.3 billion of them living in developing countries.
In the Philippines, where close to 1.5 million young people were unemployed in 2010, the MDG-F provided training and materials on entrepreneurship, life skills and safe migration to thousands of youth, local organizations and secondary schools. In China, which is currently experiencing the largest migration in human history, 70% of migrants in MDG-F project areas were sensitized about protection under national labor laws. Youth Employment Action Plans and Youth Employment Funds were created in many project countries, including Serbia, where nearly 3,000 disadvantaged unemployed youth were trained and placed in jobs.
These programmes worked to achieve MDG 1, eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, by promoting full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.
- 190,000 youth acquired new skills through training programmes.
- 642,000 people directly improved their lives as a result of the programmes, among them 127,000 youth, 24,000 migrants and 365,000 boys and girls.
Click here for a complete report of the indicators and results achieved by the MDG-F’s 15 joint programmes on Youth, Employment and Migration.
Success Stories

Analysis of key findings and achievements
This report captures the main achievements and experiences of the MDG-F’s programmes in this thematic window and presents their impact on the lives of communities across five regions. Prepared by an independent expert, the study is based on extensive desk reviews, interviews with selected joint programmes, and a thorough analysis and synthesis of inputs and contributions.
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Joint Programme Title
MDG-F Programme Area