


Capital Tegucigalpa
Population 7.7 million
Life Expectancy 69.4
Access to clean water 84%
Adult literacy 80%
Under five mortality 24.03 per 1,000 live births
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $4,400

    MDG-F Case Study Evaluation

  • This evaluation is a knowledge-generating exercise whose goal is to: 1) Assess the MDG-F's contribution, at national level, to the achievement of the MDGs, the principles of the Paris Declaration and the UN reform initiative to “Deliver as One”; 2) Identify best practices and lessons learned in order to inform future joint programming for development; and 3) Connect local level programme interventions with national level policy-making processes by highlighting successful pilot initiatives with the potential for replication and scale-up.

    Honduras_Country Final Evaluation.pdf (1.74 MB)
  • Country Fact Sheet

  • This Fact Sheet summarizes the key achievements of the Joint Programmes in Honduras.

    Honduras Joint Programmes Fact Sheet.pdf (173 KB)

Our Joint Programmes

Economic Governance of Water and Sanitation
Honduras has made considerable progress over recent decades in the fields of water and sanitation, but significant shortcomings still exist, particularly in rural zones and marginalized urban areas. The objective of this Joint Programme was to support the modernization of the sector in order to help reduce poverty.
Human development for youth: overcoming the challenges of migration through employment
Despite the fact that Honduras has one of the highest growth rates in Latin America, 50% of its population lives below the poverty line. Indigenous people are particularly disadvantaged: in some communities, half of all indigenous youth are jobless. This Joint Programme created decent entrepreneurship and employment opportunities for vulnerable youth between the ages of 15 and 29. By incorporating these youth into the productive process, the programme sought to promote a sense of belonging and thus discourage irregular migration.
Creativity and cultural identity for local development
More than half of Honduran households are below the poverty line and nearly a quarter live in extreme poverty. This Joint Programme supported the government in its efforts to promote culture as a motor for economic development and the construction of citizenship.


Honduras launches Youth Employment Plan with MDG-F support

Strategy will attack high youth jobless rate with policy, training and technology initiatives.


MDG-F funding water and sanitation projects in Honduras

20 projects will improve quality of life in 12 municipalities.
