El Salvador
The Americas
El Salvador
Capital San Salvador
Population 7.1 million
Life Expectancy 72.33
Access to clean water 84%
Adult literacy 80.2%
Under five mortality 21.52 per 1,000 live births
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $6,200
- This evaluation is a knowledge-generating exercise whose goal is to: 1) Assess the MDG-F's contribution, at national level, to the achievement of the MDGs, the principles of the Paris Declaration and the UN reform initiative to “Deliver as One”; 2) Identify best practices and lessons learned in order to inform future joint programming for development; and 3) Connect local level programme interventions with national level policy-making processes by highlighting successful pilot initiatives with the potential for replication and scale-up.
El Salvador_Country Final Evaluation.pdf (1.32 MB) -
Country Fact Sheet
- This Fact Sheet summarizes the key achievements of the Joint Programmes in El Salvador.
Guatemala Joint Programmes Fact Sheet.pdf (211 KB)