Children, Food Security and Nutrition - Thematic Study - Executive summary
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Assessment of the milling industry for the purpose of wheat flour fortification
Children in Albania face many challenges that affect their chances for a better start in life and
reduce their potential to lead productive lives as adults. In spite of relatively low U5 mortality
rates (22 per 1,000) and good ...
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The Economic Consequences Of Malnutrition in Albania
Poverty, malnutrition, and poor child development are locked in a vicious cycle of poor health, lower learning capacity, diminished physical activity and lower work performance or productivity. As this cycle threatens health and survival, it ...
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Baseline Nutrition and Food Security Survey
Over the past decade, the nutrition situation has improved greatly for many Albanians. Despite this progress, however, the nutritional status of the population, especially in certain areas of the country, remains a public health concern.
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Plan de acción para el apoyo en la estructuración y ejecución del plan estratégico para la Infancia y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en la Universidad de El Salvador.
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Guía Técnica para la estandarización en procesamiento, análisis e interpretación de indicadores antropometricos según los Patrones de Crecimiento de OMS para menores de 5 años
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Cinco claves para cultivar frutas y vegetales más seguros: promocionando la salud a través de la disminución de la contaminación microbiana
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Caracterización y Diagnóstico de Producción y Empresarialidad Agropecuaria en los municipios de Cacaopera, Guatajiagua y San Simón en el Departamento de Morazán, El Salvador
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Lessons learned in health, nutrition and feeding programs. Report of Sucessful Experiences in Child, Food Safety and Nutrition Joint Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean
The report discusses eight food and nutrition safety programmes, describing each one in detail and identifying the best practices and lessons learned for replication. The eight programs described are based on three main programmatic outcomes: ...
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