Assessment of the milling industry for the purpose of wheat flour fortification



Children in Albania face many challenges that affect their chances for a better start in life and
reduce their potential to lead productive lives as adults. In spite of relatively low U5 mortality
rates (22 per 1,000) and good exclusive breastfeeding rates in the first months of life, Albanian children face multiple nutrition problems including high rates of stunting and overweight, disparities in health and nutrition status and micronutrient deficiencies (IDD and IDA).

It is considered that iron deficiency anemia counts for most of anemia cases. Increasing of the
consumption of iron and other micronutrients through sustainable flour fortification of widely
consumed foods has great potential for improving health and nutrition status of children and
women. This assessment was done to help place nutrition and food security higher on the government agenda and design interventions focusing directly to the most vulnerable population groups.

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