Lessons learned in health, nutrition and feeding programs. Report of Sucessful Experiences in Child, Food Safety and Nutrition Joint Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean
The report discusses eight food and nutrition safety programmes, describing each one in detail and identifying the best practices and lessons learned for replication. The eight programs described are based on three main programmatic outcomes: ...
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Youth market analysis. A training package on youth market information
This document contains a training package to support managers and practitioners engaged in the implementation of youth employment. The document is a guideline on the data required and how they should be analyzed for the design of ...
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Advancing gender equality: promising practices. Experiences from the MDG Fund
This document is a collection of 20 case studies which analyze different gender equity and women’s empowerment programmes. The tool is aimed at expanding evidence-based knowledge for policies and programming that promote women’s ...
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More capacities and resources
This document shows the experience of eight successful gender equity and women’s empowerment programmes and projects. These programmes have developed a series of practices and tools at different levels of women’s economic, social ...
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Life free of violence
This document collects different programmes and tools implemented in five countries, the successful outcomes of which are worth sharing to put an end to gender violence. The document discusses five programmes conducted in Bangladesh, Colombia, ...
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Availability of Web-based knowlege materials on water and sanitation
This study is part of the Knowledge Management Programme for the programmatic area of Democratic Economic Governance, the purpose of which is to document, discuss, disseminate and replicate the innovations and experiences collected in ...
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Assessing political commitment with nutrition and food safety
The document presents the main conclusions and results arising from the application of a fast assessment tool in 10 countries aimed at measuring the political commitment of countries with food safety and at identifying opportunities for making ...
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Enhancing the struggle against child hunger and malnutrition in Southeast Mauritania
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