Bolivia: Integrated Prevention and Constructive Transformation of Social Conflicts
This Joint Programme's goal was to reduce conflict and promote equity as Bolivia transitions to a democracy which includes greater citizen participation -- particularly of indigenous groups -- and which is more decentralized and socially equitable. The main focus was changing the values and behaviours of people in different social strata, as well as in the structures of the State and civil society, so as to reduce violence and increase conciliation and equity.
Conflictivity and conflicts were addressed on two fronts: as potential factors of social change and as events liable to hamper the achievement of the MDGs.
The Programme prioritized the replication and expansion of successful initiatives, and operated in areas such as anti-discrimination, dialogue and constructive conflict transformation, autonomy, de-patriarcalization, transparency, legal pluralism and regulatory reforms.
The three strategic programme areas were:
- Support for expanding and strengthening the rule of law;
- Support for legislative development in the new constitutional framework with an emphasis on the model of autonomy;
Development of capacities for the constructive management of conflict.
Important achievements included:
- Assistance was provided for the implementation of the Political Constitution of the State by supporting the Legal Unit in charge of revising the five framework laws and all regulations in the legal, economic, and productive spheres.
- Support was provided to the development and implementation of the national policy to combat racism and all forms of discrimination, and to the National Committee to Combat Racism.
- The Conflict Unit of the Ombudsman’s Office was strengthened and support was provided for the development of a conflict monitoring system.
Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programmes in Bolivia (in Spanish).