Adaptation to Climate Change In The Zarqa River basin. Development of policy options for adaptation to Climate Change and Integrated water resources management (IWRM)
This report summarizes the results of the second objective of the project “Review opportunities and barriers to adaptation to climate change risks” and included three major tasks: 1) Review national water strategy in Jordan, 2) ...
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Adaptation To Climate Change In the Zarqa River Basin. Opportunities and barriers to adaptation to climate change risks
This report’s main objective is to compile adaptation measures that are relevant to water availability and quality of water resources in the Zerqa River Basin (ZRB) that can be considered best-practices for adaptation to climate change. ...
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Final report on “Identify and screen adaptation measures to reduce climate change impacts on food productivity”
This study was conducted in the context of the UN/FAO activities for helping developing countries make progress towards the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These goals include reduction of poverty rates (MDG1), achieving ...
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Sharing Water, Sharing Benefits: Working Towards Effective Transboundary Water Resources Management
There were 276 transboundary water basins in the world at last count, covering around 45 percent of the globe’s surface. Competition often arises between stakeholders over limited water
resources and many institutions lack the ...
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Assessment of Direct and Indirect Impacts of Climate Change scenarios of Water Availability and Quality in the Zarqa River Basin
The Zarqa River Basin is the second main tributary to River Jordan after Yarmouk River Basin, and thus one of the most significant basins in the country with respect to its economical, social and agricultural importance. This project aimed to ...
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Assessment of treated wastewater Quality under different climate change Scenarios in Jordan
This assessment was part of a larger project that aimed to address wastewater quality and soild irrigated with wastewater to provide support to Jordan’s national strategies and action plans for sustainable management of its natural ...
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Micro-Level Assessment of potential direct and indirect impacts of climate change on socio-economic factors In the Zarqa River Basin
The Zarqa basin is considered the most important basin in Jordan because it hosts about 70% of the industrial activities and about 50% of the population of the country reside on it.
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Assessment of potential direct and indirect impacts of climate change on socio Assessment of Direct and Indirect Impacts of Climate Change scenarios on water availability and quality in the Zarqa River Basin
The study aims to help optimize the water allocation in the Zarqa River Basin. In the future, more wastewater will be produced and more treated wastewater is expected to be used due to the increasing population and the increased connection ...
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Sistematización de Experiencias Comunitarias Exitosas en Gobernabilidad Socioambiental en Guatemala
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Sistematización de la Experiencia de Elaboración de la Agenda Compartida para Favorecer la Gobernabilidad Socio Ambiental en el Corredor Seco de Oriente de Guatemala
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