


Capital Havana
Population 11.4 million
Life Expectancy 77.45
Access to clean water 91%
Adult literacy 99.8%
Under five mortality 5.82 per 1,000 live births
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $9,500

Our Joint Programmes

Support for the fight against anemia in vulnerable groups in Cuba
This Joint Programme aimed to reduce the prevalence of anemia in young children and pregnant women in Cuba by assisting the government to increase the production, access to and use of foodstuffs rich in micronutrients, mainly iron. Cuba's food and nutritional surveillance systems were also targeted by the programme, which focused on the most vulnerable municipalities of the five eastern provinces and Pinar del Río.
Support for new decentralization initiatives and production stimulation in Cuba
In support of Cuba’s new initiatives to decentralize and stimulate national production, this Joint Programme helped to incorporate the private sector within municipal priorities as a catalyst for local development. Individual producers, cooperatives and the general population of five of the country’s municipalities were the main beneficiaries of the programme, which promoted increased private sector production, public-private cooperation and access to goods and services.


MDG-F targets infant anemia in Cuba

Joint UN programme helps open six breast-milk banks to boost infant nutrition.



Empowering women farmers in Cuba

MDG-F-supported workshops are increasing women’s economic autonomy and boosting the island’s agricultural production. 
