Our Programmes


The MDG Fund supported 130 joint programmes in 50 countries across five regions of the world. These fell within the Fund's eight thematic areas: Children, Food Security and Nutrition; Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment; Environment and Climate Change; Youth, Employment and Migration; Democratic Economic Governance; Development and the Private Sector; Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding; and Culture and Development.

Programmes were formulated at the country level to address national MDG and related development priorities that form part of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), the common strategic framework that guides operational activities of the United Nations system at the country level.

More than 25 UN Agencies were involved in the formulation and implementation of the MDG-F’s joint programmes, with an average of six Agencies participating in each programme. This methodology stimulated a more effective and comprehensive approach that built on the value added of each specialized Agency. All Agencies were responsible for ensuring that programmes were developed in consultation with country Governments and civil societies, since one of our key aims was national ownership and the adoption of positive policy frameworks that stemmed from evidence created throughout implementation. With 50 countries engaged in joint programming experiences that went beyond conceptualizing and collaborating to actual joint implementation and monitoring of initiatives, we produced concrete lessons learned that put us at the forefront of UN Reform efforts.

Our programmes focused on the local level where inequalities in national development are felt more. This was reflected in our strong partnerships with over 600 local governments. When combined with national governments and civil society groups, they added up to more than 70% of the MDG-F’s partners.

Of the 59 countries identified by the Spanish Master Plan for International Cooperation 2005-2008 as eligible for financing by the MDG-F, 50 had successful proposals. The largest representation was in Latin America and the Caribbean, where 54 programmes were implemented, followed by 25 in Africa, 20 in Asia, 17 in Eastern Europe and 14 in the Arab States.

Click here to read Success Stories from our work fighting poverty and improving livelihoods around the world.


Joint Programme Title
MDG-F Programme Area